日食撮像システム 2019年 Ver.
   1:  /*******************************************************************************
   2:  Copyright 2016 Microchip Technology Inc. (www.microchip.com)
   4:  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   5:  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   6:  You may obtain a copy of the License at
   8:      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  10:  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  11:  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  12:  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  13:  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  14:  limitations under the License.
  16:  To request to license the code under the MLA license (www.microchip.com/mla_license), 
  17:  please contact mla_licensing@microchip.com
  18:   * 
  19:  Firmware has modified by M_shi_Lab
  20:  *******************************************************************************/
  22:  /** INCLUDES *******************************************************/
  23:  #include "system.h"
  25:  #include <stdint.h>
  26:  #include <string.h>
  27:  #include <stddef.h>
  29:  #include "usb.h"
  31:  #include "app_led_usb_status.h"
  32:  #include "app_device_cdc_basic.h"
  33:  #include "usb_config.h"
  35:  #define _XTAL_FREQ 48000000
  37:  /** VARIABLES ******************************************************/
  39:  //static bool buttonPressed;
  40:  //static char buttonMessage[] = "Button pressed.\r\n";
  41:  static uint8_t readBuffer[CDC_DATA_OUT_EP_SIZE];
  42:  static uint8_t writeBuffer[CDC_DATA_IN_EP_SIZE];
  44:  void PIC3Start();           //A
  45:  void PIC2_Int();            //B
  46:  void PIC2_Cont();           //C
  47:  void PIC1_Start();          //D
  48:  void USB_PIC_Cont_1st();   //E
  49:  void USB_PIC_Cont_2nd();   //F
  50:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Down();   //G
  51:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Up();     //H
  52:  void Filter_Open();        //I
  53:  void Filter_Close();       //J
  54:  void SS_UpTo_8000();       //K
  55:  void Captor();
  56:  void SpeedUp();
  57:  void SpeedDown();
  58:  //Emmergency
  59:  void USB_PIC_Cont_1st2();
  60:  void USB_PIC_Cont_2nd2();
  61:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Down2();
  62:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Up2();
  63:  /*********************************************************************
  64:  * Function: void APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoInitialize(void);
  65:  *
  66:  * Overview: Initializes the demo code
  67:  *
  68:  * PreCondition: None
  69:  *
  70:  * Input: None
  71:  *
  72:  * Output: None
  73:  *
  74:  ********************************************************************/
  75:  void APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoInitialize()
  76:  {   
  77:      line_coding.bCharFormat = 0;
  78:      line_coding.bDataBits = 8;
  79:      line_coding.bParityType = 0;
  80:      line_coding.dwDTERate = 9600;
  82:  //    buttonPressed = false;
  83:  }
  85:  /*********************************************************************
  86:  * Function: void APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoTasks(void);
  87:  *
  88:  * Overview: Keeps the demo running.
  89:  *
  90:  * PreCondition: The demo should have been initialized and started via
  91:  *   the APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoInitialize() and APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoStart() demos
  92:  *   respectively.
  93:  *
  94:  * Input: None
  95:  *
  96:  * Output: None
  97:  *
  98:  ********************************************************************/
  99:  void APP_DeviceCDCBasicDemoTasks()
 100:  {
 101:  TRISB = 0b00000000;
 102:  TRISC = 0b00000000;
 103:  PORTB = 0b00000000;
 104:  PORTC = 0b00000000;
 107:      char Commander;
 108:      int i;
 109:      RA3 = 1;
 110:      /* If the USB device isn't configured yet, we can't really do anything
 111:       * else since we don't have a host to talk to.  So jump back to the
 112:       * top of the while loop. */
 113:      if( USBGetDeviceState() < CONFIGURED_STATE )
 114:      {
 115:          return;
 116:      }
 118:      /* If we are currently suspended, then we need to see if we need to
 119:       * issue a remote wakeup.  In either case, we shouldn't process any
 120:       * keyboard commands since we aren't currently communicating to the host
 121:       * thus just continue back to the start of the while loop. */
 122:      if( USBIsDeviceSuspended()== true )
 123:      {
 124:          return;
 125:      }
 127:      /* If the user has pressed the button associated with this demo, then we
 128:       * are going to send a "Button Pressed" message to the terminal.
 129:       */
 130:      if(BUTTON_IsPressed(BUTTON_DEVICE_CDC_BASIC_DEMO) == true)
 131:      {
 132:          /* Make sure that we only send the message once per button press and
 133:           * not continuously as the button is held.
 134:           */
 135:  //        if(buttonPressed == false)
 136:          {
 137:              /* Make sure that the CDC driver is ready for a transmission.
 138:               */
 139:              if(mUSBUSARTIsTxTrfReady() == true)
 140:              {
 141:  //                putrsUSBUSART(buttonMessage);
 142:  //                buttonPressed = true;
 143:              }
 144:          }
 145:      }
 146:      else
 147:      {
 148:          /* If the button is released, we can then allow a new message to be
 149:           * sent the next time the button is pressed.
 150:           */
 151:          //buttonPressed = false;
 152:      }
 154:      /* Check to see if there is a transmission in progress, if there isn't, then
 155:       * we can see about performing an echo response to data received.
 156:       */
 157:      if( USBUSARTIsTxTrfReady() == true)
 158:      {
 159:          uint8_t i;
 160:          uint8_t numBytesRead;
 162:          numBytesRead = getsUSBUSART(readBuffer, sizeof(readBuffer));
 164:          /* For every byte that was read... */
 165:          for(i=0; i<numBytesRead; i++)
 166:          {
 167:              switch(readBuffer[i])
 168:              {
 169:                  /* If we receive new line or line feed commands, just echo
 170:                   * them direct.
 171:                   */
 172:                  case 0x0A:
 173:                  case 0x0D:
 174:                  //    writeBuffer[i] = readBuffer[i];
 175:                  //    break;
 177:                  /* If we receive something else, then echo it plus one
 178:                   * so that if we receive 'a', we echo 'b' so that the
 179:                   * user knows that it isn't the echo enabled on their
 180:                   * terminal program.
 181:                   */
 182:                  default:
 183:                      writeBuffer[i] = readBuffer[i];
 184:              //    break;
 186:              //default:
 188:                  Commander = readBuffer[0];
 190:                  if(Commander=='A')
 191:                  {
 192:                      PIC3Start();
 193:                  }
 194:   elseif(Commander=='B')
 195:                  {
 196:                      PIC2_Cont();
 197:                  }
 198:   elseif(Commander=='C')
 199:                  {
 200:                      PIC2_Int();
 201:                  }
 202:   elseif(Commander == 'D')
 203:                  {
 204:                      PIC1_Start();
 205:                  }
 206:   elseif(Commander=='E')
 207:                  {
 208:                      USB_PIC_Cont_1st();
 209:                  }
 210:   elseif(Commander=='F')
 211:                  {
 212:                      USB_PIC_Cont_2nd();
 213:                  }
 214:   elseif(Commander=='G')
 215:                  {
 216:                      USB_PIC_BKT_Down();
 217:                  }
 218:   elseif(Commander=='H')
 219:                  {
 220:                      USB_PIC_BKT_Up();
 221:                  }
 222:   elseif(Commander=='I')
 223:                  {
 224:                       Filter_Open();
 225:                  }
 226:   elseif(Commander=='J')
 227:                  {
 228:                       Filter_Close();
 229:                  }
 230:   elseif(Commander=='K')
 231:                  {
 232:                       SS_UpTo_8000();
 233:                  }
 234:                  break;
 235:              }
 236:              if(numBytesRead > 0)
 237:              {
 238:                  /* After processing all of the received data, we need to send out
 239:                   * the "echo" data now.
 240:                   */
 241:                  putUSBUSART(writeBuffer,numBytesRead);
 242:              }
 245:          }
 246:      }
 247:      if(RA3 == 0)
 248:      {
 249:          Filter_Open();
 250:          PIC2_Cont();
 251:          USB_PIC_Cont_1st2();
 252:          PIC1_Start();
 253:          for(i=1; i<=4; i++)
 254:          {
 255:              USB_PIC_BKT_Down2();
 256:              USB_PIC_BKT_Up2();
 257:          }
 258:          __delay_ms(1000);
 259:          USB_PIC_Cont_2nd2();
 260:          PIC2_Int();
 261:          Filter_Close();
 263:      }
 264:      CDCTxService();
 265:  }
 267:  void PIC3Start()
 268:  {
 269:      int i;
 270:      LATCbits.LATC5 = 0;
 271:      LATCbits.LATC6 = 0;
 272:          __delay_ms(10);
 273:      LATCbits.LATC5 = 1;
 274:      for(i=1; i<=10; i++)
 275:      {
 276:          __delay_ms(100);
 277:      }
 278:      LATCbits.LATC5 = 0;
 279:  }
 281:  void PIC2_Int()
 282:  {
 283:      int i;
 284:      LATCbits.LATC3 = 0;
 285:      LATCbits.LATC4 = 0;
 286:          __delay_ms(10);
 287:      LATCbits.LATC3 = 1;
 288:      for(i=1; i<=20; i++)
 289:      {
 290:          __delay_ms(100);
 291:      }
 292:      LATCbits.LATC3 = 0;
 294:      return;
 295:  }
 297:  void PIC2_Cont()
 298:  {
 299:      int i;
 300:      LATCbits.LATC3 = 0;
 301:      LATCbits.LATC4 = 0;
 302:          __delay_ms(10);
 303:      LATCbits.LATC4 = 1;
 304:      for(i=1; i<=20; i++)
 305:      {
 306:          __delay_ms(100);
 307:      }
 308:      LATCbits.LATC4 = 0;
 310:      return;    
 311:  }
 313:  void PIC1_Start()
 314:  {
 315:      LATCbits.LATC7=0;
 317:      LATCbits.LATC7=1;
 318:          __delay_ms(100);
 319:      LATCbits.LATC7=0;
 321:      return;
 322:  }
 324:  void USB_PIC_Cont_1st()
 325:  {
 326:      int i;
 328:      LATBbits.LATB6=0;
 329:      LATBbits.LATB7=0;
 330:      __delay_ms(20);
 331:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 1;
 332:          __delay_ms(20);
 333:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 1;
 334:      for(i=1; i<=20;i++)
 335:      {
 336:          __delay_ms(100);    
 337:      }
 338:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 0;
 339:          __delay_ms(20);
 340:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 0;
 341:          __delay_ms(20);
 342:      SpeedUp();
 343:      SpeedUp();
 345:      return;
 346:  }
 348:  void USB_PIC_Cont_2nd()
 349:  {
 350:      int i;
 352:      SpeedDown();
 353:      SpeedDown();
 355:      LATBbits.LATB6=0;
 356:      LATBbits.LATB7=0;
 357:          __delay_ms(20);
 358:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 1;
 359:          __delay_ms(20);
 360:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 1;
 361:      for(i=1; i<=20;i++)
 362:      {
 363:          __delay_ms(100);    
 364:      }
 365:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 0;
 366:          __delay_ms(20);
 367:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 0;
 368:          __delay_ms(20);
 369:      return;
 370:  }
 372:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Down()
 373:  {
 374:      int i;
 376:      for(i=1 ;i<=2 ; i++)
 377:      {
 378:          Captor();
 379:              __delay_ms(500);
 380:          SpeedDown();
 381:              __delay_ms(50);
 383:      }
 384:      for(i=1 ;i<=1 ; i++)
 385:      {
 386:          Captor();
 387:              __delay_ms(700);
 388:          SpeedDown();
 389:              __delay_ms(50);
 390:      }
 391:      for(i=1 ;i<=3 ; i++)
 392:      {
 393:          Captor();
 394:              __delay_ms(850);
 395:          SpeedDown();
 396:              __delay_ms(50);
 397:      }
 398:      Captor();
 399:          __delay_ms(900);
 401:      return;
 402:  }
 404:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Up()
 405:  {
 406:      int i;
 408:      Captor();
 409:      __delay_ms(900);
 410:      for(i=1 ;i<=3 ; i++)
 411:      {
 412:          SpeedUp();
 413:              __delay_ms(50);
 414:          Captor();
 415:              __delay_ms(850);
 416:      }
 417:      for(i=1 ;i<=2 ; i++)
 418:      {
 419:          SpeedUp();
 420:              __delay_ms(50);
 421:          Captor();
 422:              __delay_ms(700);
 424:      }
 425:      for(i=1 ;i<=1 ; i++)
 426:      {
 427:          SpeedUp();
 428:              __delay_ms(50);       
 429:          Captor();
 430:              __delay_ms(500);
 431:      }
 432:      SpeedUp();
 433:      __delay_ms(50);
 434:      return;
 435:  }
 437:  void Filter_Open()
 438:  {
 439:      int k, b;
 441:      for(k=0; k<20; k++)
 442:      {
 443:          LATCbits.LATC2 = 1;
 444:          {
 445:              __delay_us(1500);
 446:          }
 447:          LATCbits.LATC2 = 0;
 448:          for(b=1; b<=37; b++)
 449:          {
 450:              __delay_us(500);
 451:          }
 452:      }
 453:      __delay_ms(200);
 454:          for(k=0; k<20; k++)
 455:      {
 456:          LATCbits.LATC1 = 1;
 457:          {
 458:              __delay_us(1500);
 459:          }
 460:          LATCbits.LATC1 = 0;
 461:          for(b=1; b<=37; b++)
 462:          {
 463:              __delay_us(500);
 464:          }
 465:      }
 466:      __delay_ms(200);
 467:          for(k=0; k<20; k++)
 468:      {
 469:          LATCbits.LATC0 = 1;
 470:          {
 471:              __delay_us(1500);
 472:          }
 473:          LATCbits.LATC0 = 0;
 474:          for(b=1; b<=37; b++)
 475:          {
 476:              __delay_us(500);
 477:          }
 478:      }
 479:      __delay_ms(200);
 481:      return;
 482:  }
 484:  void Filter_Close()
 485:  {
 486:      int k, b;
 488:      for(k=0; k<25; k++)
 489:      {
 490:          LATCbits.LATC2 = 1;
 491:          {
 492:              __delay_us(50);
 493:          }
 494:          LATCbits.LATC2 = 0;
 495:              __delay_us(450);
 496:          for(b=1; b<=39; b++)
 497:          {
 498:              __delay_us(500);
 499:          }
 500:      }
 501:      __delay_ms(200);
 502:          for(k=0; k<25; k++)
 503:      {
 504:          LATCbits.LATC1 = 1;
 505:          {
 506:              __delay_us(50);
 507:          }
 508:          LATCbits.LATC1 = 0;
 509:              __delay_us(450);
 510:          for(b=1; b<=39; b++)
 511:          {
 512:              __delay_us(500);
 513:          }
 514:      }
 515:      __delay_ms(200);
 516:          for(k=0; k<25; k++)
 517:      {
 518:          LATCbits.LATC0 = 1;
 519:          {
 520:              __delay_us(50);
 521:          }
 522:          LATCbits.LATC0 = 0;
 523:              __delay_us(450);
 524:          for(b=1; b<=39; b++)
 525:          {
 526:              __delay_us(500);
 527:          }
 528:      }
 529:      __delay_ms(200);
 531:      return;
 532:  }
 534:  void SS_UpTo_8000()
 535:  {
 536:  int i;
 538:      for(i=1; i<=7; i++)
 539:      {
 540:          SpeedUp();
 541:      }
 543:      return;
 544:  }
 546:  void SS_Down_To_500()
 547:  {
 548:  int i;
 550:      for(i=1; i<=2; i++)
 551:      {
 552:          SpeedDown();
 553:      }    
 555:      return;
 556:  }
 558:  void Captor()
 559:  {
 560:      LATBbits.LATB6=0;
 561:      LATBbits.LATB7=0;
 563:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 1;
 564:          __delay_ms(20);
 565:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 1;
 566:          __delay_ms(40);
 567:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 0;
 568:          __delay_ms(20);
 569:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 0;
 570:          __delay_ms(20);
 572:      return;
 573:  }
 575:  void SpeedDown()
 576:  {
 577:      int i;
 579:      LATBbits.LATB4 = 0;
 580:      LATBbits.LATB5 = 0;
 582:      for(i=1; i<=4; i++)
 583:      {
 584:          LATBbits.LATB4=1;
 585:              __delay_ms(25);
 586:          LATBbits.LATB5=1;
 587:              __delay_ms(25);
 588:          LATBbits.LATB4=0;
 589:              __delay_ms(25);
 590:          LATBbits.LATB5=0;
 591:              __delay_ms(25);        
 592:      }
 594:      return;
 595:  }
 597:  void SpeedUp()
 598:  {
 599:      int i;
 601:      LATBbits.LATB4 = 0;
 602:      LATBbits.LATB5 = 0;
 604:      for(i=1; i<=4; i++)
 605:      {
 606:          LATBbits.LATB5=1;
 607:              __delay_ms(25);
 608:          LATBbits.LATB4=1;
 609:              __delay_ms(25);
 610:          LATBbits.LATB5=0;
 611:              __delay_ms(25);
 612:          LATBbits.LATB4=0;
 613:              __delay_ms(25);        
 614:      }
 616:      return;
 617:  }
 618:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Down2()
 619:  {
 620:      int i;
 622:      Captor();
 623:          __delay_ms(900);
 624:      SpeedDown();
 625:          __delay_ms(50);
 627:      for(i=1 ;i<=4 ; i++)
 628:      {
 629:          Captor();
 630:              __delay_ms(1100);
 631:          SpeedDown();
 632:              __delay_ms(50);
 633:      }
 634:      Captor();
 635:          __delay_ms(1500);
 636:      SpeedDown();
 637:          __delay_ms(50);
 638:      Captor();
 639:          __delay_ms(2500);
 641:      return;
 642:  }
 644:  void USB_PIC_BKT_Up2()
 645:  {
 646:      int i;
 648:      Captor();
 649:      __delay_ms(2500);
 651:      SpeedUp();
 652:          __delay_ms(30);
 653:      Captor();
 654:          __delay_ms(1500);
 656:      for(i=1 ;i<=4 ; i++)
 657:      {
 658:          SpeedUp();
 659:              __delay_ms(30);
 660:          Captor();
 661:              __delay_ms(1100);
 662:      }
 664:      SpeedUp();
 665:          __delay_ms(50);       
 666:      Captor();
 667:          __delay_ms(900);
 669:      SpeedUp();
 670:      SpeedUp();
 671:      SpeedDown();
 673:      return;
 674:  }
 675:  void USB_PIC_Cont_1st2()
 676:  {
 677:      int i;
 679:      LATBbits.LATB6=0;
 680:      LATBbits.LATB7=0;
 681:      __delay_ms(20);
 682:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 1;
 683:          __delay_ms(20);
 684:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 1;
 685:      for(i=1; i<=15;i++)
 686:      {
 687:          __delay_ms(1000);    
 688:      }
 689:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 0;
 690:          __delay_ms(20);
 691:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 0;
 692:          __delay_ms(20);
 693:      SpeedUp();
 694:      return;
 695:  }
 697:  void USB_PIC_Cont_2nd2()
 698:  {
 699:      int i;
 701:      SpeedDown();
 703:      LATBbits.LATB6=0;
 704:      LATBbits.LATB7=0;
 705:          __delay_ms(20);
 706:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 1;
 707:          __delay_ms(20);
 708:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 1;
 709:      for(i=1; i<=20;i++)
 710:      {
 711:          __delay_ms(1000);    
 712:      }
 713:      LATBbits.LATB7 = 0;
 714:          __delay_ms(20);
 715:      LATBbits.LATB6 = 0;
 716:          __delay_ms(20);
 717:      return;
 718:  }
inserted by FC2 system