9. D600のシーケンス制御プログラムVer.1.0

 8.で示したフォームとその裏側にあるソースで、日食の時刻等を入力したカンマ区切りのテキストファイルを読み込み、秒数に変換、基本的に時間指定でD600 の撮像シーケンスを実行するプログラムを組みました。

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// This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
//Thomas Dideriksen (thomas@dideriksen.com)
// Modification is done by The M_shi for imaging automatic Total Solar Eclips

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using Nikon;

namespace demo_capture
    class DemoCapture
        NikonDevice _device;
        AutoResetEvent _waitForDevice = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        AutoResetEvent _waitForCaptureComplete = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        //NikonImage image;
        //NikonDevice sender;
        //NikonDevice device;
        public int Speed { get; private set; }
        public int MaxSpeed { get; private set; }
        public int EVStep { get; private set; }
        public int DownStep { get; private set; }
        public int LapsSS { get; private set; }
        public int Present_time { get; private set; }
        public int n { get; private set; }
        public string [] cols =new string[17];

        // Create manager object - make sure you have the correct MD3 file for your Nikon DSLR
        //(see https://sdk.nikonimaging.com/apply/)

        NikonManager manager = new NikonManager("Type0008.md3");
        public int Hour;
        public int Minute;
        public int Second;
        //private Stream arg;
        private object test;
        private string stResult;
        private object row2;
        private int ContSS;

        public void Run()
            System.IO.StreamReader cReader = (new System.IO.StreamReader(@"E:\M_shi\新しいフォルダー (3)\DSLR Ctrler\Caputor_Main\bin\x86\Release\D600CaptureSetting.txt", System.Text.Encoding.Default));
            while (cReader.Peek() >= 0)
                // ファイルを 1 行ずつ読み込む
                string stBuffer = cReader.ReadLine();
                // 読み込んだものを追加で格納する
                stResult += stBuffer + System.Environment.NewLine;
            // cReader を閉じる

            // カンマ区切りで個々の要素の文字列に分離する
            char delimiter = ',';
            for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i++)
                cols = stResult.Split(delimiter);
            // 分離した個々の要素を整数に変換・変数に導入する
            int index_LapsSS =Convert.ToInt32(cols[0]);
            int index_Speed = Convert.ToInt32(cols[1]);
            int index_Maxspeed = Convert.ToInt32(cols[2]);
            int index_EVStep = Convert.ToInt32(cols[3]);
            int index_DownStep = Convert.ToInt32(cols[4]);
            int Interval = Convert.ToInt32(cols[5]);
            int C2_hour = Convert.ToInt32(cols[6]);
            int C2_min = Convert.ToInt32(cols[7]);
            int C2_sec = Convert.ToInt32(cols[8]);
            int C2_before = Convert.ToInt32(cols[9]);
            int C2_after = Convert.ToInt32(cols[10]);
            int C3_hour = Convert.ToInt32(cols[11]);
            int C3_min = Convert.ToInt32(cols[12]);
            int C3_sec = Convert.ToInt32(cols[13]);
            int C3_before = Convert.ToInt32(cols[14]);
            int C3_after = Convert.ToInt32(cols[15]);

            // 時刻を秒単位に変換しておく
            int C2time = C2_hour * 3600 + C2_min * 60 + C2_sec;
            int C2Before = C2time + C2_before;
            int C2After = C2time + C2_after;
            int C3time = C3_hour * 3600 + C3_min * 60 + C3_sec;
            int C3Before = C3time - C3_before;
            int C3After = C3time + C3_after;

            System.IO.StreamWriter index_LapsSS2 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput());
            // 規定値から入力した値の数値化
            switch (index_LapsSS)   //タイムラプス時のシャッター速度
                case 0:
                    LapsSS = 36;
                case 1:
                    LapsSS = 34;
                case 2:
                    LapsSS = 32;

            switch (index_Speed)    //ダイヤモンドリング撮像時のシャッター速
                case 0:
                    ContSS = 36;
                case 1:
                    ContSS = 34;
                case 2:
                    ContSS = 32;

            switch (index_Maxspeed) //多段階撮像時のシャッター速度
                case 0:
                    MaxSpeed = 36;
                case 1:
                    MaxSpeed = 34;
                case 2:
                    MaxSpeed = 32;

            switch (Convert.ToInt32(index_EVStep))  //EVの間隔
                case 0:
                    EVStep = 6;
                case 1:
                    EVStep = 5;
                case 2:
                    EVStep = 4;
                case 3:
                    EVStep = 3;
                case 4:
                    EVStep = 2;
                case 5:
                    EVStep = 1;

            switch (Convert.ToInt32(index_DownStep))    //EV間隔ごとに何回撮像するか
                case 0:
                    DownStep = 11;
                case 1:
                    DownStep = 10;
                case 2:
                    DownStep = 9;
                case 3:
                    DownStep = 8;
                case 4:
                    DownStep = 7;
                case 5:
                    DownStep = 6;
                case 6:
                    DownStep = 5;
                case 7:
                    DownStep = 4;
                case 8:
                    DownStep = 3;
                case 9:
                    DownStep = 2;
                case 10:
                    DownStep = 1;

                // Listen for the 'DeviceAdded' event
                manager.DeviceAdded += manager_DeviceAdded;

                // Wait for a device to arrive

                // Hook up capture events
                _device.ImageReady += _device_ImageReady;
                _device.CaptureComplete += _device_CaptureComplete;

                DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
                int iHour = dtNow.Hour;
                int iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
                int iSecond = dtNow.Second;
                int iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
                while (C2Before - Interval >= iPresent_time+3)
                    Speed = LapsSS;

                    dtNow = DateTime.Now;
                    iHour = dtNow.Hour;
                    iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
                    iSecond = dtNow.Second;
                    iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
                    if (C2Before-Interval <= iPresent_time+3)
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((Interval-3) * 1000);//カメラ側の関係で3秒位時間を食うのでその調整

                uint Count = ((uint)C2_before + (uint)C2_after) * 3;  //枚数はC2前後撮像する秒数の合計の3倍です
                Speed = ContSS;
                ContinuousCapture(Speed, Count);    //サブルーチンに飛びます

                int MinSpeed = MaxSpeed - EVStep * DownStep;
                Speed = MaxSpeed;


                while (iPresent_time - 3 <= C3Before)   //C3連写前の多段階撮像の肝・

                    dtNow = DateTime.Now;
                    iHour = dtNow.Hour;
                    iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
                    iSecond = dtNow.Second;
                    iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;

                    if (iPresent_time - 3 >= C3Before)

                    if (Speed - EVStep > MinSpeed)
                        Speed = Speed - EVStep;
                        Speed = MaxSpeed;
                Count = ((uint)C3_before + (uint)C3_after) * 3; //撮像コマ数の指定
                Speed = LapsSS;                     //シャッター速度の指定
                ContinuousCapture(Speed, Count);    //SSとコマ数を持って撮像サブルーチンに飛びます

                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                iHour = dtNow.Hour;
                iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
                iSecond = dtNow.Second;
                iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
                int Ending_time = iPresent_time + 600;

                while (iPresent_time <= Ending_time)
                    dtNow = DateTime.Now;
                    iHour = dtNow.Hour;
                    iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
                    iSecond = dtNow.Second;
                    iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;

                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((Interval-3) * 1000); //カメラ側の関係で3秒位時間を食うのでその調整

                // Shutdown
            catch (NikonException ex)

        // C2,C3前後の連写のためのサブルーチン
        private void ContinuousCapture(int Speed, uint Count)
            NikonEnum shutterSpeed = _device.GetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed);
            shutterSpeed.Index = Speed;
            _device.SetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed, shutterSpeed);

            // Set number of continuous captures - in this case I set Count
            _device.SetUnsigned(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ContinuousShootingNum, Count);

            // Capture

            // Wait for the capture to complete


        // タイムラプス・多段階露光時の単写のためのサブルーチン
        private void Captor(int Speed)
            _device.SetUnsigned(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ContinuousShootingNum, 1);
            NikonEnum shutterSpeed = _device.GetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed);
            shutterSpeed.Index = Speed; 
            _device.SetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed, shutterSpeed);

            // Capture

            // Wait for the capture to complete

        void _device_ImageReady(NikonDevice sender, NikonImage image)
           // Save captured image to disk
            string filename = "image" + ((image.Type == NikonImageType.Raw) ? ".jpg" : ".nef");

            using (FileStream s = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                 s.Write(image.Buffer, 0, image.Buffer.Length);

        void _device_CaptureComplete(NikonDevice sender, int data)
            // Signal the the capture completed

        void manager_DeviceAdded(NikonManager sender, NikonDevice device)
            if (_device == null)
                // Save device
                this._device = device;
                device.SetUnsigned(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_SaveMedia, (uint)eNkMAIDSaveMedia.kNkMAIDSaveMedia_Card);

                // Signal that we got a device

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DemoCapture demo = new DemoCapture();
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