10.D600のシーケンス制御と     音信号出力によるD7100の起動を行うソフト

 Visual Studioでの作成時には、マイソリューションにSolution ExploreからWindowsBase、System.Windows, nikoncswrapperを参照するようにして、出力のアーキテクチャはX86にします。プロパティはAllow Drop TrueをFalseにするという事もしました。本当はフォームに前回入れた内容を再表示するようにしたかったのですが、上手くゆかず…その関係のコードも入っていたりします。フォームから撮像開始も出来ますが、一応シーケンス制御のソフト部分に関しても起動用のショートカットを作っておいた方が良いかと思ったりします。誤動作を防いだりするために。現時刻をラベルに表示しようかと考えていましたが、どうも上手くないので止め。フールプルーフ等も作って入ませんし、取り敢えず出来るよ、ってところでしょうか。
 2台のデジイチ、はD600の制御はほぼ考えた通りに動いてくれていますし、音入力でのD7200のシーケンス制御も上手く行っています。とはいえ本当に上手く行くか・・・をデジイチとWin Tabを組み合わせてやってみる事、マウンティングに組んで配線すること、全システムの機材の電源を入れて、1時間半置いて自動撮像をさせてみるストレステストなど、制御ではなくシステムに慣れて使えるよう慣熟していくことかな、という事になります。機材の制御に一応のゴールが見えてきたので、時間管理のためにAndroidタブで時間管理するソフトを作ろうかとも考えています。テンパるなか、取るもの取り敢えず・・・ではなく、操作をサクッと事を済ませられるようにすることが必要です。

Index Next


   1:  using System;
   2:  using System.Collections.Generic;
   3:  using System.ComponentModel;
   4:  using System.Data;
   5:  using System.Drawing;
   6:  using System.Linq;
   7:  using System.Text;
   8:  using System.Threading.Tasks;
   9:  using System.Windows.Forms;
  12:  namespace Eclips_Captor
  13:  {
  14:      public partial class Form1 : Form
  15:      {
  17:          public ComboBox comboBox1_SelectedIndex_1;
  18:          public ComboBox comboBox1_SelectedIndex;
  19:          public ComboBox comboBox5_SelectedIndex;
  20:          public ComboBox comboBox4_SelectedIndex;
  21:          public ComboBox comboBox3_SelectedIndex;
  22:          public ComboBox comboBox2_SelectedIndex;
  23:          public ComboBox comboBox6_SelectedIndex;
  25:          public string ContS;
  26:          public char KeyChar;
  27:          public string C2Hr;
  28:          public string C2Min;
  29:          public string C2Sec;
  30:          public string C2Total;
  31:          public string C3Hr;
  32:          public string C3Min;
  33:          public string C3Sec;
  34:          public string C3Total;
  35:          public string C2Before;
  36:          public string C2After;
  37:          public string C3Before;
  38:          public string C3After;
  39:          public string LapsTime;
  41:          //public string Cont_SS;
  42:          //public string Step;
  43:          public int index;
  44:          public string IntSS;
  45:          public string Max_speed;
  46:          public string EV_Step;
  47:          public string Capture_Step;
  49:          //public string IntSS { get; private set; }
  50:          public string IntSec; //{ get; private set; }
  51:          public string C2Time; //{ get; private set; }
  52:          public string C3Time; //{ get; private set; }
  54:          //public object textBox1;
  56:          //public readonly object comboBox1;
  58:          public Form1()
  59:          {
  60:              InitializeComponent();
  61:          }
  63:          //コンボボックスからのインプット
  64:          public void comboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  65:          {
  66:              int Int_SS = comboBox2.SelectedIndex;
  67:              IntSS = Int_SS.ToString();
  68:          }
  70:          public void ContSS_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  71:          {
  72:              int Cont_SS = ContSS.SelectedIndex;
  73:              ContS = Cont_SS.ToString();
  74:          }
  76:          public void Max_SS_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  77:          {
  78:              int MaxSS = Max_SS.SelectedIndex;
  79:              Max_speed = MaxSS.ToString();
  80:          }
  82:          public void EVStep_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  83:          {
  84:              int EV = EVStep.SelectedIndex;
  85:              EV_Step = EV.ToString();
  86:          }
  88:          public void CaptureSteps_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  89:          {
  90:              int Capture = CaptureSteps.SelectedIndex;
  91:              Capture_Step = Capture.ToString();
  92:          }
  94:          //各種数値のインプット
  95:          public void Interval_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
  96:          {
  97:              IntSec = Interval.Text;
  98:          }
  99:          public void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 100:          {
 101:              C2Hr = textBox1.Text;
 102:          }
 103:          public void textBox3_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 104:          {
 105:              C2Min = textBox3.Text;
 106:          }
 107:          public void textBox4_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 108:          {
 109:              C2Sec = textBox4.Text;
 110:          }
 111:          public void C2Time_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 112:          {
 113:              C2Time = C2Hr + ":" + C2Min + ":" + C2Sec;
 114:          }
 116:          public void textBox8_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 117:          {
 118:              C2Before = textBox8.Text;
 119:          }
 120:          public void textBox9_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 121:          {
 122:              C2After = textBox9.Text;
 123:          }
 125:          public void textBox5_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 126:          {
 127:              C3Hr = textBox5.Text;
 128:          }
 129:          public void textBox6_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 130:          {
 131:              C3Min = textBox6.Text;
 132:          }
 133:          public void textBox7_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 134:          {
 135:              C3Sec = textBox7.Text;
 136:          }
 137:          public void C3Time_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 138:          {
 139:              C3Time = C3Hr + ":" + C3Min + ":" + C3Sec;
 140:          }
 142:          public void textBox10_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 143:          {
 144:              C3Before = textBox10.Text;
 145:          }
 146:          public void textBox11_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
 147:          {
 148:              C3After = textBox11.Text;
 149:          }
 151:          /*public void label24_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 152:          {
 153:              label24.Text = C3Time + C2Time;
 154:          }*/
 156:          //データのセーブ
 157:          public void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 158:          {
 159:              string strData;
 160:              strData = "";
 161:              strData = IntSS + "," +ContS + "," + Max_speed + "," + EV_Step + "," + Capture_Step + "," + IntSec + "," + C2Hr + "," + C2Min + "," + C2Sec + "," + C2Before + "," + C2After + "," + C3Hr + "," + C3Min +"," +C3Sec + "," + C3Before + "," + C3After;
 163:              string path = "D600CaptureSetting.txt";
 165:              System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(
 166:                  path,
 167:                  false,
 168:                  System.Text.Encoding.Default);
 169:              sw.WriteLine(strData);
 170:              sw.Close();
 171:          }
 173:          //撮像プログラム稼働開始
 174:          public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 175:          {
 176:              Process.Start("Caputor_Main2.exe");
 177:          }
 180:      }
 181:  }

先のフォームの書きだした テキストファイルを元にシーケンス制御するプログラム

   1:  //
   2:  // This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
   3:  //Thomas Dideriksen (thomas@dideriksen.com)
   4:  // 
   5:  // Modification is done by The M_shi for imaging automatic Total Solar Eclips
   6:  //
   8:  using System;
   9:  using System.Collections.Generic;
  10:  using System.Linq;
  11:  using System.Text;
  12:  using System.Threading.Tasks;
  13:  using System.Threading;
  14:  using System.IO;
  15:  using Nikon;
  17:  namespace demo_capture
  18:  {
  19:      class DemoCapture
  20:      {
  21:          NikonDevice _device;
  22:          AutoResetEvent _waitForDevice = new AutoResetEvent(false);
  23:          AutoResetEvent _waitForCaptureComplete = new AutoResetEvent(false);
  24:          //NikonImage image;
  25:          //NikonDevice sender;
  26:          //NikonDevice device;
  27:          public int Speed { get; private set; }
  28:          public int MaxSpeed { get; private set; }
  29:          public int EVStep { get; private set; }
  30:          public int DownStep { get; private set; }
  31:          public int LapsSS { get; private set; }
  32:          public int Present_time { get; private set; }
  33:          public int n { get; private set; }
  34:          public string[] cols = new string[17];
  36:          // Create manager object - make sure you have the correct MD3 file for your Nikon DSLR
  37:          //(see https://sdk.nikonimaging.com/apply/)
  39:          NikonManager manager = new NikonManager("Type0008.md3");
  40:          public int Hour;
  41:          public int Minute;
  42:          public int Second;
  43:          //private Stream arg;
  44:          private object test;
  45:          private string stResult;
  46:          private object row2;
  47:          private int ContSS;
  49:          public void Run()
  50:          {
  51:              //ファイルの読み出しルーチン
  52:              System.IO.StreamReader cReader = (new System.IO.StreamReader("D600CaptureSetting.txt", System.Text.Encoding.Default));
  53:              while (cReader.Peek() >= 0)
  54:              {
  55:                  // ファイルを 1 行ずつ読み込む
  56:                  string stBuffer = cReader.ReadLine();
  57:                  // 読み込んだものを追加で格納する
  58:                  stResult += stBuffer + System.Environment.NewLine;
  59:              }
  60:              // cReader を閉じる
  61:              cReader.Close();
  62:              Console.WriteLine(stResult);
  64:              // カンマ区切りで個々の要素の文字列に分離する
  65:              char delimiter = ',';
  66:              for (int i = 0; i <= 16; i++)
  67:              {
  68:                  cols = stResult.Split(delimiter);
  69:              }
  71:              // 分離した個々の要素を整数に変換・変数に導入する
  72:              int index_LapsSS = Convert.ToInt32(cols[0]);
  73:              int index_Speed = Convert.ToInt32(cols[1]);
  74:              int index_Maxspeed = Convert.ToInt32(cols[2]);
  75:              int index_EVStep = Convert.ToInt32(cols[3]);
  76:              int index_DownStep = Convert.ToInt32(cols[4]);
  77:              int Interval = Convert.ToInt32(cols[5]);
  78:              int C2_hour = Convert.ToInt32(cols[6]);
  79:              int C2_min = Convert.ToInt32(cols[7]);
  80:              int C2_sec = Convert.ToInt32(cols[8]);
  81:              int C2_before = Convert.ToInt32(cols[9]);
  82:              int C2_after = Convert.ToInt32(cols[10]);
  83:              int C3_hour = Convert.ToInt32(cols[11]);
  84:              int C3_min = Convert.ToInt32(cols[12]);
  85:              int C3_sec = Convert.ToInt32(cols[13]);
  86:              int C3_before = Convert.ToInt32(cols[14]);
  87:              int C3_after = Convert.ToInt32(cols[15]);
  89:              // 時刻を秒単位に変換しておく
  90:              int C2time = C2_hour * 3600 + C2_min * 60 + C2_sec;
  91:              int C2Before = C2time - C2_before;
  92:              int C2After = C2time + C2_after;
  93:              int C3time = C3_hour * 3600 + C3_min * 60 + C3_sec;
  94:              int C3Before = C3time - C3_before;
  95:              int C3After = C3time + C3_after;
  97:              System.IO.StreamWriter index_LapsSS2 = new System.IO.StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput());
  99:              // 規定値から入力した値の数値化
 100:              switch (index_LapsSS)   //タイムラプス時のシャッター速度
 101:              {
 102:                  case 0:
 103:                      LapsSS = 36;
 104:                      break;
 105:                  case 1:
 106:                      LapsSS = 34;
 107:                      break;
 108:                  case 2:
 109:                      LapsSS = 32;
 110:                      break;
 111:              }
 113:              switch (index_Speed)    //ダイヤモンドリング撮像時のシャッター速
 114:              {
 115:                  case 0:
 116:                      ContSS = 36;
 117:                      break;
 118:                  case 1:
 119:                      ContSS = 34;
 120:                      break;
 121:                  case 2:
 122:                      ContSS = 32;
 123:                      break;
 124:              }
 126:              switch (index_Maxspeed) //多段階撮像時のシャッター速度
 127:              {
 128:                  case 0:
 129:                      MaxSpeed = 36;
 130:                      break;
 131:                  case 1:
 132:                      MaxSpeed = 34;
 133:                      break;
 134:                  case 2:
 135:                      MaxSpeed = 32;
 136:                      break;
 137:              }
 139:              switch (Convert.ToInt32(index_EVStep))  //EVの間隔
 140:              {
 141:                  case 0:
 142:                      EVStep = 6;
 143:                      break;
 144:                  case 1:
 145:                      EVStep = 5;
 146:                      break;
 147:                  case 2:
 148:                      EVStep = 4;
 149:                      break;
 150:                  case 3:
 151:                      EVStep = 3;
 152:                      break;
 153:                  case 4:
 154:                      EVStep = 2;
 155:                      break;
 156:                  case 5:
 157:                      EVStep = 1;
 158:                      break;
 159:              }
 161:              switch (Convert.ToInt32(index_DownStep))    //EV間隔ごとに何回撮像するか
 162:              {
 163:                  case 0:
 164:                      DownStep = 11;
 165:                      break;
 166:                  case 1:
 167:                      DownStep = 10;
 168:                      break;
 169:                  case 2:
 170:                      DownStep = 9;
 171:                      break;
 172:                  case 3:
 173:                      DownStep = 8;
 174:                      break;
 175:                  case 4:
 176:                      DownStep = 7;
 177:                      break;
 178:                  case 5:
 179:                      DownStep = 6;
 180:                      break;
 181:                  case 6:
 182:                      DownStep = 5;
 183:                      break;
 184:                  case 7:
 185:                      DownStep = 4;
 186:                      break;
 187:                  case 8:
 188:                      DownStep = 3;
 189:                      break;
 190:                  case 9:
 191:                      DownStep = 2;
 192:                      break;
 193:                  case 10:
 194:                      DownStep = 1;
 195:                      break;
 196:              }
 198:              try
 199:              {
 200:                  // Listen for the 'DeviceAdded' event
 201:                  manager.DeviceAdded += manager_DeviceAdded;
 203:                  // Wait for a device to arrive
 204:                  _waitForDevice.WaitOne();
 206:                  // Hook up capture events
 207:                  _device.ImageReady += _device_ImageReady;
 208:                  _device.CaptureComplete += _device_CaptureComplete;
 210:                  //C2までのタイムラプス撮像ルーチン
 211:                  DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
 212:                  int iHour = dtNow.Hour;
 213:                  int iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
 214:                  int iSecond = dtNow.Second;
 215:                  int iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
 216:                  //C2前ダイヤモンドリング撮像までのタイムラプス撮像
 217:                  while (C2Before - Interval >= iPresent_time)
 218:                  {
 219:                      Speed = LapsSS;
 220:                      Captor(Speed);
 222:                      dtNow = DateTime.Now;
 223:                      iHour = dtNow.Hour;
 224:                      iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
 225:                      iSecond = dtNow.Second;
 226:                      iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
 227:                      System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((Interval - 4) * 1000); //カメラ側の関係で4秒位時間を食うのでその調整
 228:                  }
 230:                  var
 231:                  //非同期で警報音を鳴らす
 232:                  player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer("wb04.wav");
 233:                  //非同期再生する
 234:                  player.Play();
 236:                  //C2ダイヤモンドリング撮像のための連写ルーチン
 237:                  uint Count = ((uint)C2_before + (uint)C2_after) * 2;  //枚数はC2前後撮像する秒数の合計の2倍です
 238:                  Speed = ContSS;
 239:                  ContinuousCapture(Speed, Count);    //サブルーチンに飛びます
 241:                  //多段階撮像ルーチン//
 242:                  //最低速度を計算します。
 243:                  int MinSpeed = MaxSpeed - EVStep * DownStep;
 244:                  Speed = MaxSpeed;
 246:                  //多段階にSSを減速させつつ撮像するルーチン
 247:                  //1ループごとにC3前連写時刻と現時刻を比較しつつ回す必要がありますが、それは後に。
 249:                  while (iPresent_time + 4 <= C3Before)   //C3連写前の多段階撮像の肝
 250:                  {
 251:                      Captor(Speed);
 253:                  dtNow = DateTime.Now;
 254:                      iHour = dtNow.Hour;
 255:                      iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
 256:                      iSecond = dtNow.Second;
 257:                      iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
 259:                      //if (iPresent_time - 5 >= C3Before)
 260:                      //{
 261:                      //    break;
 262:                      //}
 264:                      if (Speed - EVStep > MinSpeed)
 265:                      {
 266:                          Speed = Speed - EVStep;
 267:                      }
 268:                      else
 269:                      {
 270:                          Speed = MaxSpeed;
 271:                      }
 272:                  }
 274:                  //C3ダイヤモンドリング撮像のための連写ルーチン
 275:                  Count = ((uint)C3_before + (uint)C3_after) * 2; //撮像コマ数の指定
 276:                  Speed = LapsSS;                     //シャッター速度の指定
 277:                  ContinuousCapture(Speed, Count);    //SSとコマ数を持って撮像サブルーチンに飛びます
 279:                  //C3ダイヤモンドリング撮像後のタイムラプス撮像の指定(ここでは300秒としている)
 280:                  DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
 281:                  iHour = dtNow.Hour;
 282:                  iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
 283:                  iSecond = dtNow.Second;
 284:                  iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
 285:                  int Ending_time = iPresent_time + 300;  //5分間5秒間隔で連写を続ける
 287:                  while (iPresent_time <= Ending_time)
 288:                  {
 289:                      dtNow = DateTime.Now;
 290:                      iHour = dtNow.Hour;
 291:                      iMinute = dtNow.Minute;
 292:                      iSecond = dtNow.Second;
 293:                      iPresent_time = iHour * 3600 + iMinute * 60 + iSecond;
 295:                      Captor(Speed);
 296:                      System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((Interval - 3) * 1000); //カメラ側の関係で3秒位時間を食うのでその調整
 297:                  }
 299:                  // Shutdown
 300:                  manager.Shutdown();
 301:              }
 302:              catch (NikonException ex)
 303:              {
 304:                  Console.WriteLine();
 305:              }
 306:          }
 310:          // C2,C3前後の連写のためのサブルーチン
 311:          private void ContinuousCapture(int Speed, uint Count)
 312:          {
 313:              NikonEnum shutterSpeed = _device.GetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed);
 314:              shutterSpeed.Index = Speed;
 315:              _device.SetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed, shutterSpeed);
 317:              // Set number of continuous captures - in this case I set Count
 318:              _device.SetUnsigned(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ContinuousShootingNum, Count);
 320:              // Capture
 321:              _device.Capture();
 323:              // Wait for the capture to complete
 324:              _waitForCaptureComplete.WaitOne();
 326:              return;
 327:          }
 329:          // タイムラプス・多段階露光時の単写のためのサブルーチン
 330:          private void Captor(int Speed)
 331:          {
 332:              //C2前の連写枚数になっているので、これをリセット
 333:              _device.SetUnsigned(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ContinuousShootingNum, 1);
 335:              //シャッター速度を変えるコード
 336:              NikonEnum shutterSpeed = _device.GetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed);
 337:              shutterSpeed.Index = Speed;
 338:              _device.SetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShutterSpeed, shutterSpeed);
 340:              //シャッター速度が1/30以下ならミラーアップ
 341:  /*            if (Speed <= 22)
 342:              {
 343:                  //uint mirrorUp;
 344:                  NikonEnum mirrorUp = _device.GetEnum(eNkMAIDMirrorUpReleaseShootingCount.kNkMAIDMirrorUpReleaseShootingCount_0);
 345:                  mirrorUp.Index = 0;
 346:                  _device.SetEnum(eNkMAIDMirrorUpReleaseShootingCount.kNkMAIDShootingMode_MirrorUp, mirrorUp);
 347:              }
 348:             /* else
 349:              {
 350:                  NikonEnum e = _device.GetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShootingMode);
 351:                  e.Index = 0;
 352:                  _device.SetEnum(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_ShootingMode, e);
 353:              } */
 355:              // Capture
 356:              _device.Capture();
 358:              // Wait for the capture to complete
 359:              _waitForCaptureComplete.WaitOne();
 360:              return;
 361:          }
 363:          void _device_ImageReady(NikonDevice sender, NikonImage image)
 364:          {
 365:              // Save captured image to disk
 366:              string filename = "image" + ((image.Type == NikonImageType.Raw) ? ".jpg" : ".nef");
 368:              using (FileStream s = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
 369:              {
 370:                  s.Write(image.Buffer, 0, image.Buffer.Length);
 371:              }
 372:          }
 374:          void _device_CaptureComplete(NikonDevice sender, int data)
 375:          {
 376:              // Signal the the capture completed
 377:              _waitForCaptureComplete.Set();
 378:          }
 380:          void manager_DeviceAdded(NikonManager sender, NikonDevice device)
 381:          {
 382:              if (_device == null)
 383:              {
 384:                  // Save device
 385:                  this._device = device;
 386:                  device.SetUnsigned(eNkMAIDCapability.kNkMAIDCapability_SaveMedia, (uint)eNkMAIDSaveMedia.kNkMAIDSaveMedia_Card);
 388:                  // Signal that we got a device
 389:                  _waitForDevice.Set();
 390:              }
 391:          }
 392:      }
 395:      class Program
 396:      {
 397:          static void Main(string[] args)
 398:          {
 399:              DemoCapture demo = new DemoCapture();
 400:              demo.Run();
 401:          }
 402:      }
 403:  }
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